Sunday, September 25, 2011

Like Dexter, but better?

This is going to be a short one. I want to share an anecdote that makes me laugh out loud every single time I think about it. But first, a little background...

I love the show Dexter. Like all bad kids that won't go to bed on time, or know when to quit, or to not over indulge, I watched Dexter for the first time on netflix last summer, and watched the ENTIRE first season in one sitting. Then I sidereeled the rest of the episodes/seasons that were not available to me on netflix. And caught up on every season. There were a lot of seasons. Took me a week. I need, I want, I get. Wash, rinse, repeat. My motto in life. I also credit Dexter for getting all A's in my fresh science courses last summer... And what a summer it was. In one word:
I N T E N S E.

Did you know that engaging your brain cells in extensive scientific/mathematical/chess playing activity expends as much energy/calories as a light jog around the block? It's true! How many brilliant genius scientists do you know that are overweight...? I lived with a Chemistry PhD candidate and he would study at all odd hours of the night, (like me), and eat SO MUCH FOOD. He would literally order two large pizzas and EAT IT BY HIMSELF at 2am for weeks on end. Never got fat. That lucky bastard. He was strange too. In a weird good way strange. Like one summer he grew only chili peppers. That's all he grew. A hundred chili plants. And in the winter he gave them away. And said he was over it. Ha! We had some things in common that way...

So, back to my anecdote. I was out interviewing potential housemates, and came across these two very bohemian, artsy, and eccentric chics at the oceanfront. Obviously very much up my alley. Warm, affable, animal loving people. One was an art student, the other a biology student in the masters program, and both create and sell really beautiful jewelery. They had a husky and the other a kitten, so I liked them instantly. They liked me instantly. It was a big rommie love bru ha ha.

And then I saw the fur on the wall. I asked one of the girls, "What's up with the fur pellets?" And she responds, "Oh yeah! I collect them from thrift stores. I always have. I guess I'm strange like that." I ask, "Are they real?" She answers, "Yeah! All real! And look at this-" she proudly points to a stuffed squirrel hanging on the wall, "I shot that, right in the head!" she continues excited but then slows down, noticing the shocked look on her friend's face that she was unable to hide at this point, "I know, it's weird. I love animals-" And then I interjected,"So you hunt them down and shoot them?" Her friend then says, "Damn. I didn't know that!" I then say, "Well, I guess this is as good time as any to tell you guys that I am 100% pro animal welfare and vegan." The room got really quiet. Then the squirrel hunter turns beet red, and says meekly, "I know it's strange, that was a long time ago, I don't hunt anymore..." And I said, "Well, I hope it's not going to be a problem. I want my cats to live long lives..." And then I laughed. And they joined in, albeit, uncomfortably. I can't explain it. But it was so comical. Especially since she was such a sweetheart and such a free spirited artsy fartsy animal loving biology studying surfer chic. It really was a lot of fun. I do hope that she is open to cruelty-free lifestyles though. Oh how I love opportunities!

They happened to be mutual friends with my favorite co-worker who is also a very talented fine arts student and I told her my story. When I came to the part of the girl hunting and decorating her walls with animal remains her eyes got really wide and she said, "Malini, OMG, did she know how you feel about animals?? How did that make you feel?"

I turned to her and asked, "Have you seen Dexter?"

She said, "I love Dexter!"

And I turned to her, and said, "Yeah, me too. He kills people, but I still like him. She's like Dexter."

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